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My First Time and With My Cousin

Posted by: Author: Age: 12 at the time Posted on: 3 comments
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I was raised in the country on a farm, five hours drive from my city cousins. On the school holidays we would take turns swapping life styles. This time it was my turn to visit the big smoke. The city trips were always confining and the older we were getting the more we looked outside the boundaries of the suburban house block. On this occasion Greg, my cousin, asked if I knew how to play poker. No was my response so he decided we should go down to the tool shed, under the house and he would teach me. Little did I know after the first round, he anounced that we had to remove an article of clothing if we lost a hand. It didn't worry me as we had seen each other nude over the years and I hadn't started the bashfull stage. It wasn't long before I only had my jocks remaining. He on the other hand had only lost two pieces of clothing. Darn, I lost the next hand and was reluctant to strip but kept my obligation. There I sat starters for the next round and wone the hand. Instead of removing one item of chothing he stripped to his jocks and when they came off revealed a full hardon. The sight of his erection was enough to trigger my penis into action. I was surprised at the amount of hair he had around his dick as mine had only just started to sprout. Also his dick was way bigger than I last remembered. Six months had made a huge difference physically. Greg asked if I knew how to wank. I had no idea what he was talking about so he said do what I do. He proceeded to masterbate and I copied. After a while I said 'I feel sick in the stomach' He said to keep going and I experienced my first dry orgasm. He on the other hand blew his load into a tissue, much to my amazement as I didn't know you could do that. After coming down from our mind blowing experiences he proceeded to light the tissue and burnt the evidence. He said we can't leave any trace of what we had been doing. Later we had to make up a cock and bull story for his dad asking what we had been burning under the house. He told us not to light anything in the tool shed as there was mower fuel and other flamibles in there. Boy that was a close call. Over the next few years we looked forward to our masterbation experimentation (only as far as jackin each other) whenever we got together. Since then we have both married and have children we have never mentioned these activities but often reminisce of all the other fun things we did together. Happy Jackin...



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